Fast Food, Smart Choices

Coming Soon!  "Fast food is bad for you."  blah blah blah, it's all we ever hear.  But please! Fast food has become a beloved staple for our generation.  You can't just cut it out cold turkey, or you will eventually crack and find yourself in an eating frenzy with a large fry from McDonalds, a Taco Bell quesadilla, and an M&M Blast from Sonic. 

Now obviously a home cooked meal is better for you than fast food, and a Lean Cuisine is fewer calories than a number 7 combo. BUT fast food is so convenient! Especially when you're living the dorm life and have so many other things to worry about besides "what's for supper?".  And ok sometimes you just reallllly want that 89 cent chicken burrito.

So I have researched the lowest of the low and compiled together lists of the best choices at fast food chains for a low calorie budget. Now readjust that New Year's resolution to cut out  fast food to eat the smartest fast food.

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