My Ab Challenge!




Week 1 I've been doing these ab exercises for a little over a week now, and I already feel like my stomach is tighter.  I spent a good chunk of time googling ab workouts and skimming the fitness section of pinterest.  I found my favorite workouts and made a schedule on my fabulous shoe calendar.  (I looooove shoes.) The general consensus agrees that the most effective way to get results is to pick three nonconsecutive days a week to do your exercises. I also found that it works best if you mix it up and do different exercises each of the three days. 

These are my personal favorites.  (No heavy duty equipment required.) 

Sundays: Absolute Abs (my own lil mix)  
twist toe touches 3 sets of 24 reps
6 inches hold for 30 seconds
twist crunches 3 sets of 24 reps
back fly hold 3 sets of 12 reps
bicycle 3 sets of 16 reps
oblique crunches 3 sets of 8 reps
face down knee lift 3 sets of 16 reps
back extensions hold 4 counts 12 reps

Tuesdays: The Model Workout  (You do need small 3 pound weights for this one.)

Thursdays: Kickboxing/Pilates

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