Saturday, January 7, 2012

Temptation.  It's everywhere. But one of the hardest temptations to beat is when it walks right into your kitchen!  My brother helped me find a way to beat it though.  After school my sixteen year old brother comes home with a Wendy's bag.  I watch him pull out 5 cartons with 5 spicy nuggets each and a large fry.  I stare at the enormous amount of food and back at my brother.  He's 6 foot and doesn't have an ounce of fat on him.  Propelled by the unfairness of the situation, I'm suddenly gripped with the overwhelming desire to steal just one of his fries.  (yeah right, like you can really eat just one fry)  He sees me staring down the salty, starchy goodness, and it registers with him that I am about to steal his food.  He breaks into a ninja leap and yells, "CALORIES!!!" at the top of his lungs.  I pause.  And then break into laughter, and successfully walk away from the fries.  Now every time I am tempted by something like this, I replay this hysterical bit and again, I walk away

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, how I love Sarah Ashton! You crack me up! And I'm def promoting your blog on mine, so all my followers can read your hilarity. (Check it out, btw, because I've added like a bazillion new pages- my motivation rewards, a breakdown of the sheer numbers of my diet, and all the cool little things I've discovered along the way.)
